Friday, July 23, 2010

Too Painful to Read? Your Call...

"The English Teacher" (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2005), by Lily King, is a novel about some very painful events, starting with the revelation of a traumatic event and continuing with the destructive effects that last for years after. The author bravely gives us a not-very-likable main character, Vida, and when we understand why she is the way she is, we (or at least I!) feel very sorry for her but still have trouble connecting with her. This paradox may be why I alternately raced ahead with the book and then stopped dead, resisting reading further, and then gradually became re-engaged with the story. Several of the other characters are very sympathetic, particularly the other main character, Vida's teenaged son Peter; the author's portrayal of Peter's feelings and experiences is extraordinarily astute. This is also a compelling and at times touching story of the attempted melding of two families when Vida marries a man with three children. In summary, the story is painful but rewarding, so I can't simply recommend it without reservations; I can say, however, that it ends on a hopeful note.

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