Wednesday, June 29, 2011

An Airline Magazine Surprise

Many of us dismiss airline magazines as sources only of information about such airline matters as maps of terminals and lists of snacks for sale, along with a few fluffy travel articles; the magazines are generally good only for leafing through for five or ten minutes before settling in with one's book or perhaps a movie or a nap. However, on a very recent trip, I was pleasantly surprised by the June 2011 issue of American Airline’s “American Way” magazine. It included an interesting, fairly thoughtful article about Hemingway, tied to this year’s being the 50th anniversary of his death, as well as an editorial about Beryl Markham. Granted, the Markham piece was mostly about her aviation history rather than about her literary work, but still, I was pleased that the issue devoted this amount of space to literary figures.
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