Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Memorable Comic Writers

One of the joys available from books is great comic writing. Such writing not only makes us laugh, but makes us recognize human foibles and see the world in a new way. The terrific writers listed below do not necessarily always work in a comic vein, but each of them has written at least one wonderful comic work and/or has woven comic characters and situations throughout her/his work. I thank these authors for the great reading pleasure I have experienced over the years from reading their work.

Amis, Kingsley
Austen, Jane
Beerbohm, Max
Bennett, Alan
Benson, E.F.
Dickens, Charles
Delafield, E.M.
Fielding, Henry
Heller, Joseph
Hornby, Nick
Lodge, David
Macaulay, Rose
Mitford, Nancy
Pym, Barbara
Shakespeare, William
Thackeray, William
Thirkell, Angela
Twain, Mark
Vonnegut, Kurt
Waugh, Evelyn
Wodehouse, P. G.
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