Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On Keeping a Book a Secret: A Small Dilemma

Writing this blog, like all activities, has its unanticipated small (very small, and fortunately very manageable) dilemmas. For example, sometimes I read a book and decide it would be perfect for one of my friends or family members for a birthday, Christmas, or other occasion, or "just because." (As regular readers of this blog know, many of my gifts to others tend to be books.) I also plan to write a blog post about that book. But if I know that the recipient in question reads my blog, I don't want to post before I give the person the book, in case they go out and buy or borrow the book themselves. The solution, of course, is simply not to post about the book until after I have given it to the person. This is not a problem, but sometimes it involves waiting days or even weeks before being able to post on that book. In that case, I usually write the post while the book is fresh on my mind, and save it to post a little bit later. (I am smiling a little as I write this, thinking that if this is the biggest problem I have all day or all week, I am extremely fortunate!)

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